Here’s my newest robot controller. I’ve been working on more of these, in fact I have completed several already, just haven’t had a chance to do a proper write up about them.
These controllers are just some of the projects my son and I did a while back as a learning excercise, with the end goal to automate some wire, shrikwrap cutting and pin bending tasks that we do around here.

Check out the project page here. I’ll be posting some videos of this thing in action when I get around to it. In the mean time you can grab the gerbers and source code and start using these to make your own cutting projects.
This was developed as open source and open hardware project. It was made to be easily understood for a beginner and can be made using inexpensive and readily available parts. You can modify this design for any purpose you feel appropriate. I can only provide minimum support and no warranty of any kind.