I’ve been neglecting this site somewhat. There are a few reasons for this… two home renovations including a purchase of several, large and expensive pieces of equipment for a new workshop / lab which is still being expended to this day, the closure of our family business and a move across the province in search of a better life… and most importantly, a lot more quality time with the family.
There was no shortage of projects last year however. I’ve worked on, and completed many things, including a number Arduino projects, dozens of new JAMMA adapters, a new TV mod, a couple of robot controllers that I worked on with my son. It was probably my most productive year ever.
Many of these things have not yet been documented however, as documentation isn’t normally something I look forward to, but some of these projects I think are pretty cool and I’m sure they can be useful to some of you out there. Don’t be surprised to find out of order blog posts as I plan to back date these to around the time they were completed.